On Origins of Arundhati Roy

In view of the current physical and psychological assault on Arundhati Roy accusing her of indulging in polemics and anti-nationalism, I would wish to counter-argue that Ms. Roy instead is the perfect sacrificial doll for the sensation-starved print & electronic media of India. In the following passages I try to trace the origins of this fiercely independent and radical writer-activist of India, the first steps into her transformation into a phantom that continue to haunt, bruise and traumatize the political establishment and the fatuous mass-media (print and visual). In the current times, many of their sympathizer and well wishers would wonder if Ms Roy happen to be so unfortunate that she won the booker prize before she started her politics/opinion came to be noticed? Was it her fault or the media's which jumped at the opportunity of publishing a booker winner! One might find this profile of Ms Roy interesting. It w...