Women at Work!

A critical appreciation of UTV’s No One Killed Jessica (NOKJ), Jan 2011 I rarely watch cinema through a critical lens since for me the whole motivation behind watching a movie is shuddh time pass and entertainment. But once in a while an odd movie ends up touching us in various ways and at different levels, transcending beyond time-pass entertainment and thus making our movie-watching experience more worthwhile and meaningful. NOKJ is one such movie, which bare-bones the Jessica Lal’s high profile case in a doc-drama format. Though the mainstream Hindi film Industry of India has never been known for skillful and clever adaptation of real life incidents, there have been a few brilliant exceptions to this rule. Anuraag Kashyap’s “Black Friday’ a splendid & first-class cinematic adaptation of Mumbai blasts of 1993 while staying close to real events, comes to mind. NOKJ is a close second in recent cinematic history. In this overtly male biased In...